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Detox & Boost your Immunity at Carnoustie

Best Yoga Resorts

Detox is a dire necessity in today’s stressful environment. As the evidence of pollution and toxins in our external environment and diet mount, it becomes even more important for us to detox and strengthen our immune system.

The COVID 19 pandemic has brought our immune system to central focus. After all it is this system that defends us from all disease causing microorganisms.

The immune system is all about organs and systems of our body working to their optimum potential and in harmony. This is where YOGA with its promise of harmonious mind-body-soul function, comes to our rescue. Yoga releases endorphins and lowers the stress hormone- cortisol and strengthens the nervous system, stimulates the lymphatic system which removes toxins from the body and increases the flow of oxygen in the blood energizing both the mind and body and improving absorption of essential nutrients. This helps all organs to function optimally building the body’s strength, immunity and resistance to disease. Yoga also calms the mind and improves sleep patterns both of which are essential for healing and maintaining a healthy immune system.

Wellness of the Mind, Body & Soul

At Carnoustie physical, mental and spiritual well-being is the ‘soul’ focus to reach a state of optimal health. When the body and mind are in synergy with the inner self and the rhythm of nature, it balances and enriches life.

Types of yoga practiced at the wellness heaven
  • Ashtanga Yoga
  • Therapeutic Yoga
yogas-chitta-vrithi-nirodaha Yoga is the stilling of fluctuations of the mind.
- Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras
Best Yoga Resorts

Tap into your inner strength with eight yogic limbs!

Best Yoga Resorts

Putting the yogic philosophy into practice off the mat can be especially challenging, but it’s a worthwhile endeavour for total wellness. The eight yogic limbs will usher you ahead.

  • Yamas or Ethical Code of Conduct - Truthfulness
  • Niyamas or Personal Discipline - Self study
  • Asanas or Posture - Strong and fit body
  • Pranayama or Breath Control - ‘Prana’ means life force and ‘Yama’ means control of prana - control of life force
  • Pratyahara or Withdrawal of Senses - Looking inward
  • Dharana or Concentration - One pointedness awareness
  • Dyana or Meditation - Living in the present
  • Samadhi or Bliss - Union of the individual and supreme energy

Practice without interruption as a way of life helps build a strong foundation for a harmonious and peaceful life.

Asanas for Immunity & Detoxification

The asanas listed below helps to remove toxins, stimulate digestion and the thyroid gland, enhance the immune system, build muscle, increase metabolism and the energy levels. It restores balance to our body’s system and improves mental and emotional clarity.

  • Ardha Bhekasana
  • Baddha Konasana
  • Dhanurasana
  • Bitilasana
  • Janu Sirsasana
  • Paschmimottanasana
  • Pawanmuktasana
  • Salamba Sarvangasana
  • Salamba Sirsasana
  • Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
  • Adho Mukha Svanasana
  • Uttanasana
  • Halasana
  • Viparita Karani
  • Ardha Matsyendrasana
  • Parivrtta Trikonasana
  • Parivrtta Parsvakonasana
  • Jathara Parivartanasana
Best Yoga Resorts
Stress Relief

Stress is the root cause of ill health and manifests in symptoms like headaches, insomnia, back pain, blood pressure, osteoporosis and heart ailments. Our team combines yoga, pranayama and meditation with customised diet and nutrition plans to combat and control stress levels.

Spinal Care

An increasing number of people around the world are facing spinal disorders on account of stress and life style changes. It’s important to note that a healthy spine means a healthy body and a healthy body means a calmer mind.

Cleanse yourself at Carnoustie - Kriya (Shatkarmas)

Best Yoga Resorts

The Cleansing Kriyas are a powerful way to detoxify and purify your body from the inside out. At Carnoustie techniques like jala neti and tratak are practised under supervision for total wellness. Kriya balances and moves prana through all the chakras, which cleanses, purifies and rejuvenates all the vital organs

Jal Neti Kriya Benefits
  • Positive influence on all sense organs.
  • Strengthens vision and relieves tired eyes.
  • Relieves headaches.
  • Improves memory and concentration.
  • Cures nasal congestion and sinus cavities.
  • Cures fever and pollen allergies.
Sutra Neti Kriya Benefits
  • Thorough cleansing of the nose.
  • Massages the catheter
  • Cures respiratory problems or narrow nostrils
Tratak Kriya Benefits
  • Purifies the eyes.
  • Strengthens eye muscles.
  • Improves vision and memory.
  • Cures sleeping disorders.
  • Develops intuition.
Yoga is not about self-improvement, it is about self-acceptance.
- Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras
Best Yoga Resorts

Pranayama... the time honored art of breathing

Developed over 5,000 years ago, Pranayama (Sanskrit for vital energy) is an integral aspect of yogic practice.

Pranayama are a series of specific yogic breathing techniques and exercises which help us detoxify burn fat and increase metabolism. The breathing regimen clears out the stale residual air in the lungs and saturates the cells with oxygen and prana/life force energy. Exhalation releases large amounts of carbon dioxide and toxins thereby purifying the body. With the basic act of bringing in more oxygen, vitamins and minerals are more easily absorbed, white blood cells multiply and the lymphatic system is enhanced. Pranayama removes toxins from the bloodstream which revitalizes the organs and clarifies the intellect, calms emotions, oxygenates the blood, builds internal body heat and strengthens the nervous system.

Bhastrika - the yoga breath of fire

Bhastrika Pranayama

The word 'bhastrika pranayama' is derived from the Sanskrit word 'bhastrika', which basically means breathing like a roar or bellow. 'Pranayama' is regulated breathing. The ancient yogis called this breathing exercise as "the yoga breath of fire".


  • It purifies the blood and improves the flow of oxygen into the body.
  • It rejuvenates the lungs.
  • It tones the internal organs.
  • It speeds up metabolism and helps in balancing the doshas.
  • It warms the body up for other pranayamas.
  • It helps in calming the mind and provides relief from anxiety and depression.
  • It Improves the digestive system.

Kapalbhati Pranayama

Kapalbhati Pranayama

Kapalbhati is derived from two Sanskrit words 'Kapal' which means forehead and 'bhati' which means shining. Pranayama means regulated breathing practice. Kapal Bhati literally translates to 'the shining forehead'. Practitioners are known to glow with good health and also sharpen their intellect with this regular practice.


  • It boosts metabolism and aids in weight reduction.
  • It helps in reducing belly fat.
  • It Clears the energy channels.
  • It Improves blood circulation and revitalizes the internal organs.
  • It Improves the digestion and absorption of food.
  • It calms the mind and provides relief in chronic stress and anxiety.
  • It energizes the brain and improves the nervous system.
  • It brings glow to the face.

Anulom Vilom - alternate nostril breathing

Anulom Vilom Pranayama

Anuloma is derived from the word 'anu' which implies as with and 'loma' means hair implying with the grain or natural. 'Viloma' means the opposite, which in this context means against the grain.


  • It Purifies the body and helps in releasing toxins and improves the flow of oxygen into the body.
  • It Reduces stress levels and provides relief in anxiety and depression.
  • It helps to improve concentration and improves brain function.
  • It increases vitality and improves the functioning of all the internal organs.
  • It Is known to clear all pranic/energy blockages.

Sheetali pranayama

Sheetali Pranayama

Sheetali Pranayama also known as Cooling Breath is derived from the Sanskrit word "Sheetali" which means cold.


  • It cools the body and the nervous system.
  • It controls and reduces stress, anger and anxiety.
  • It cures insomnia.
  • It reduces and controls Acidity.
  • It prevents premature greying of hair and hair fall.
  • It makes prana or energy to flow more freely through the body.
  • It Regulates the endocrine system.
  • It aids in blood purification.
  • It strengthens the teeth and the gums.

Prana Pratishta Pranyanam

Through Prana Pratishta Pranyanam, the divine powers of the universe are drawn and turned into one's favour. The practitioner will be at the peak level of energy physically, mentally and spiritually. Peace and harmony will be induced into the body and mind. As the blood circulation through the brain is increased all the mental potentialities can develop easily. The eyes will become bright more luster and the aura of the practitioner will grow manifold.

Best Yoga Resorts

Connect your body and mind at Carnoustie - Meditation

If we know the divine art of concentration, if we know the divine art of meditation, if we know the divine art of contemplation, easily and consciously we can unite the inner world and the outer world.   – Sri Chinmoy
Meditation is the state of existing fully in the here and now. Naturally arriving at this stage through the practice of “one-pointedness”, clears the cluttered mind of conflicting or random thoughts. This calm state promotes relaxation, builds internal energy or life force (qi, ki, prana, etc.) and helps develop compassion, love, patience, generosity and forgiveness. Its ultimate objective is to enable its practitioner to enjoy an indestructible sense of well-being while engaging in any life activity. Meditation takes you into the present moment, the only place where life exists. The way we breathe in and out; right now, right here!

rupa-lavaya-bala-vajra-samhanantvani kaya sampat The perfection of the body consists of beauty, charm, strength and the power of thunderbolt.
- Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras
Best Yoga Resorts

The Healing at Carnousite

Manipura Chakra Meditation
  • Improves the digestive process and removes all problems connected with digestion.
  • Constipation acidity and indigestion can be easily removed.
  • It induces lightness to the whole of the abdominal viscera.
  • The whole body feels light and relaxed.
Yoga Nidra Meditation
  • It results in physiological peace and tranquility.
  • It produces a contusive state for recovery from Psycho-somatic disorders.
  • One hour of yoga nidhra is equivalent to four hours of deep sleep.
  • It reduces high blood pressure.
  • Removes all physical mental and emotional tensions.
Anti ageing meditation

Chakras are the centres of vital energy. They are also junctions of the body, prana and mind. Activation and balancing of the chakras brings perfect health of the body and mind. This is possible through chakra meditation.

For age reversal there are many processes in Yoga, Ayurveda and modern medicine but without having to resort to external aids, spend a few minutes of your time for chakra meditation and get rejuvenated. Full chakra healing meditation for anti- ageing is given at Carnoustie Resorts.

Prana mantra marma

Meditation is the art of treating the special vital points on the human body, and this is one of the greatest healing secrets of Ayurveda. It can be used to detoxify the body, strengthen and revitalize vital organs, and release blocked energies in the body. Through these energy points we can stimulate the function of internal organs, strengthen self-healing power, and harmonize the mind and body. The benefits of this therapy are, · Balancing of Chakras (energy centres of the body)

  • Increasing Immunity (improve the healing power).
  • Clearing of emotional blockages.
  • Very effective for anxiety & depression.
  • To increase vitality and vigour.
  • To improve the memory and concentration.
Best Healing Resorts in Kerala, India

Reflect - Discover - Explore - Inspire & Enrich Yourself... Yoga beyond the yoga mat! Sadhana!

Best Yoga Resorts

It is believed that Sādhanā can steer anyone to a new course of happiness and well-being. Our trained yoga instructors help you with various techniques of Sadhana to calm the mind. When we go within, we can become more powerful in terms of creating the life we want for ourselves. We can begin to define the quality of our lives and what we choose to focus on and manifest. By moulding the external world to match our internal world, we consciously bring responsibility and empowerment into our lives.

At Carnoustie life is a celebration! And yoga enhances and revitalises our lives! It gives you the confidence and realization that you can actually achieve more than you think, without aggravation, stress and struggle. Carnousitie’s conscious holistic yogic practice unites body, mind and soul. A flawless union! A life worth living!

Diet & Nutrition at Carnoustie

“You are what you eat” is a saying that is taken very seriously in Ayurveda. The name ‘Ayurveda’ originates from two Indian words: ‘Ayur’, meaning life, and ‘Veda’ meaning knowledge or science. This oldest known "Science of Life” stresses that our diet or ‘ahara’ impacts both, our physical and emotional wellbeing and hence, is the first and foremost pillar of this science.

There is a ‘sloka’ (writings of the ancient texts of ayurveda) that says “food is medicine when consumed properly” and that improper diet produces toxins or ‘ama’ in the body which is the root cause of disease and ill health. From the curative perspective, while diet alone may not be the cure for all diseases, its proper intake can keep ailments away and under control.

Carnoustie Kitchen Team

Benefits of the Program

  • Opens up the lungs, improving the respiratory process and blood circulation which increases the supply of oxygen to all the cells in the body.
  • Stimulates the thyroid gland and strengthens the immune system.
  • Calms the brain, reducing anxiety, stress and depression.
  • Improves functioning of the digestive tract and assimilation of nutrients.
  • Helps release abdominal gases and improves digestion.
  • Massages the intestines and other abdominal organs.
  • Improves flexibility of the neck and spine.

Ailments Treated

  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Asthma
  • Stress
  • Indigestion & stomach ailments
  • Liver problems
  • Spine problems
  • Migraines and headaches

Package inclusions

  • Accommodation in selected Villa
  • Airport Transfers from Cochin International Airport (to & fro)
  • Ayurveda doctor consultation for ayurveda medicines / herbal supplements
  • Individualised diet for detoxification and enhancement of immunity
  • Daily 60 minute group Yoga session in the morning
  • Daily 60 minute group Yoga session in the evening
  • Daily 45 min group session of Healing / Yoga Nidhra / Manipura Chakra meditation
  • 2 individual Yoga sessions per person in a 7 day program. 4 individual Yoga sessions per person in a 14 day program
  • Presentation of Introduction to the Yoga Programme at Carnoustie (in Business Centre)
  • Daily use of Detox tea
  • Visit to popular Temple & Churches
  • Visit to Fort Kochi
  • All applicable taxes

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Attentive personalised care round the clock at Carnoustie

The resort has fairly large qualified team of experts to ensure that each guest is given personalized attention. The team includes

Our Wellness Team:
  • Dr. Vasanthi: Bachelor of Ayurveda Medicine and Surgery
  • Dr. Mobi Ommen: Bachelor of Ayurveda Medicine and Surgery
  • Dr. Rejina: Graduated in Ayurveda - Indian Herbal Medicine
  • Dr. Midhu Bhaskar: BAMS (Bachelor of Ayurveda Medicines and Surgery, Specialized in Therapeutic Marma)
  • Dr. Syam S Darsan: BAMS, CMIM, Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery
  • Dr. Deepthy S. R: BAMS (Bachelor of Ayurveda Medicines and Surgery, Specialized in Therapeutic Marma)
  • Dr. Shona Antony: BAMS (Bachelor of Ayurveda Medicines and Surgery, Specialized in Therapeutic Marma)
  • Dr. Sreelakshmy G: BAMS (Bachelor of Ayurveda Medicines and Surgery, Specialized in Therapeutic Marma)
Our Yoga Teachers:
  • Dr. V. P. Rajasekharan: Head, Spiritual & psychic healing yoga at carnoustie. Ph.D in Yoga, M.D in alternative medicine,T.T.C in transcendental meditation, M.I.I.N.T in Naturopathy, Diploma in Pranic healing, Reiki grandmaster (USU1, KARUNA, NEW LIFE & TERA MAI)
  • Gopalakrishna Pillai: M.Sc yoga, Master Course in SKY (Simplified Kundalini Yoga), B.ed (Bachelor of Education)
  • Dr. Moly K: D H M S from Board of Examiners in Homoeopathy Kerala state, Basic Pranic Healing, yoga Vidya Advance Pranic Healing, Yoga Vidya Pranic Psychotherapy, Crystal Healing
  • Lavakush: Yoga Teacher, MSC in Yoga, Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga

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For information on booking special offer, please write to us at [email protected]

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